More coming on Birthday Week but for now, a word about gifts.....
We have lived on the island for well over 2 years now. We have been to one birthday party where birthday gifts were opened at the actual party. Every one else has not opened gifts at the party. Saturday we had Son1's party. We did not open gifts until we got home, as a family of 4. I love this idea for small children. It keeps the gift between the giver and the recipient, and allows the kids to focus so much more on the celebration, the guests, and their big day, rather than on the gifts. No one knows about or has their feelings hurt over a duplicate gift they so painstakingly picked out. No one feels showed up. And three year olds don't flip when the gift they watched mom buy at the store goes to the birthday boy.
Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy! I can see from your smile that you enjoyed every minute of your Birthday celebration. Chooo Choooo!!