Tuesday, July 21, 2009


An unexpected illness took a firm grip over my 61 inch frame.

A horrible case of the stomach virus attacked me. LITERALLY for five days.

I saw my practitioner. She told me to hydrate and take an over the counter medication.

I did not hydrate.

The contractions started.

I called the doctor's office when the contractions multiplied the next day.

I called Hubs to come home before I called the doctor.

I knew I was in for it.

My kids knew something was very, very wrong.

They were dolls.

Who knew the 4 year old could make meals?

The triage obstetrical nurse said I wasn't having "enough" contractions in an hour.

She told me to drink MORE water.

I told her I could not.

She wanted to know WHY I could not.

Liquids made me more nauseous.

I started to cry. I told her I was never this irrational about liquid.

She gently shook me through the phone and told me I had no choice.

Six contractions in an hour and it was hospital time.


She told me the hospital would only give me IV fluid and put me on monitors anyway, and maybe just give me a touch of medication and send me home.

"Angry Booty" (an Usherism) is not pregnancy related, yet going around pregnant women now.

I was still in painful tears when we hung up.

Hubs came home and catered to the kids and to me.

Six contractions in an hour came. He held my hand. I drank more water.

Six contractions in twenty minutes came. I refused to hear about the hospital.

I drank more water.

I drank more water.

I drank more water.

Six hours later the contractions subsided.

I drank more water.

I was sweaty all night.

I drank more water.

I could not pee. There was nothing to waste.

I drank more water.

Hubs went into the office for a few hours the next morning.

I drank G2. It literally saved my life.

It was salty and sweet from beginning to end. I did not like it at first.

The water was not enough, though. I needed more salt to retain liquid.

I drank more G2.

I drank more G2.

I drank more G2.

Hubs was home again. He did not let me move one inch.

I slept several hours.

I drank more G2.

I drank more water, too.

Stomach virus was still in full swing.

I stood up only *to go*.

Hubs disappeared with my kids.

I slept more hours.

I was sweaty for more hours. It all came out my pores.

I drank more water. I drank more G2.

Two days later, I felt my stomach relax from knots.

It had now lasted Sunday to Sunday.

Today is Tuesday.

I am good, thank the Lord.

Read more about the rest of the Hawaiian adventure here soon.


  1. I'm glad you got the fluids down. you poor, poor thing. Love and hugs!

  2. Oh how awful. What an awful thing to happen at any time but especially while you are pregnant.

    I use to get braxton hicks all the time during my first pregnancy. I would go to the hospital. They would pump full of liquids with an IV and I'd be better. I just didn't drink enough water, it wasn't from a virus. Just flat didn't want to drink it.
    I'm glad the G2 worked for you and your getting your strength back and keeping those contractions at bay.


  3. I'm so sorry! Being sick AND pregnant is horrible. We're so glad that you're starting to feel better...

  4. Bless your heart. I am so sorry that you've been through all that. I'm glad you're better, and I hope you get your strength back soon! Keep getting all the rest you can! Saying a prayer for you---

  5. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can imagine it would be hard to determine if the cramps were from contractions or just stomach pains from the stomach flu!!!

    I'm so glad you are better now!!!


  6. Oh, you poor thing. That all sounds terrible. I am glad you are better now.

  7. Oh wow. I'm so glad that you made it through all this. Your hubby and kids sound like jewels. Take it easy and keep that little one inside of you safe.

  8. oh r i'm so sorry! i'm so glad you did an awesome job of drinkin'! and good job big s! saying another prayer for you!

  9. You scared me there for a minute!!! I'm SO glad you and the baby (and your family) are ok! Great job taking down all those fluids!

    Take it easy, ok?

  10. I'm glad you are doing better. How scary! dp

  11. I am so terribly sorry you have suffered through all that. I am praying you stay well and that none of the kiddos get it so that you can keep up your rest!

  12. What a horrible time. Bless your heart! Kudo's to the hubby. Hope all is well with you and baby. lovedaysday

  13. that sounds just awful! I'm so sad you had a rotten rotten time, but you saved you & that baby so great job!

  14. I totally identify. For 3 months water made me throw up. Why water??? It's the one thing I needed. I was having contractions, but only 2 months along. Gatorade Frost saved my life. But almost killed me too... I had liters of Gatorade Frost sitting on my kitchen counter, but was too weak to unscrew the lid. So I found a kitchen knife to "slice" the edge of the lid open. Not a good plan. The next day, husband bought me a grippy lid opener tool.
    I'm glad you're better now!

  15. So glad everything is ok now... those viruses are bad enough anyway but so much worse when you're pregnant!

  16. I'm sorry you had to go through that - this baby will be a tough little guy after this!

  17. Yeah for G2 and a wonderful supportive hubby who made you rest :).

  18. Yikes!!! Thinking of you and glad to hear that you are feeling better. Can't wait to hear more when the newest little guy arrives! Love, Andi

  19. Oh, that sounds so horrible! I am so sorry to read you were so sick and am glad it's all gone now!


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