Friday, May 27, 2011

On Forgetting: Niagra Falls

Today I am linking up with The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Fridays. Today's topic is:

On Forgetting

Got five minutes? Here’s a great way to spend them.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat without editing your voice.
2. Link back to the Gypsy Mama and invite others to join in.
3. Pony up the comment love for the five minuter who linked up before you.


 They give me the blank stare. I cannot convince them they DO remember that one time when....

And I dream that today will not be one of those times. I spun those very thoughts around in my mind when I pulled the billowing plastic rain coats over their heads and over their clothes. I was sharply aware that this dressing might slip their memories one day.

Will they remember that I grabbed the Middle Man by the wrist and charged him down the twisting path, across and over the foot bridge, and through the trees to the ticket booth, with Grandma huffing behind? She was clutching the Big Guy's wrist, as I breathlessly bought the very last tickets to the very last boat that day just minutes ahead.

Will they remember the way the birds dotted the shore and the rainbow bent in reverence in front of Niagra Falls? Will they remember the way our shoes were soaked past our socks, and the way that we arched backward to stare quietly at the cascading water? Will they remember the broken silence by happy screams, showering under heart dropping sprays from the plunging white throttles?

Pictures from the day:


  1. They might not remember the details, but they'll remember how much you love them!

  2. I often wonder what my kids will remember too. If we'll remember the same things about special times. I agree with the other comment...if nothing else they'll remember they're loved!

  3. ah, so many sweet memories and images in this post! thank you for sharing this day... I'm sure it was so special for you. :) thx for popping by my place!

  4. What great description and lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing this. I like what "Eli" said in the comments. You had a loving day together. That's beautiful.

  5. If not from memory, then by picture, I bet. I hope.

  6. Beautifully written!! And how could they forget THAT?? I wouldn't!! How fun!!

  7. Beautiful! What amazing pictures! I love the details you were able to convey in five minutes. Even if your children don't remember, they have your vivid memory to remind them! :)


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