Thursday, September 6, 2007

Drink It and Drive It

View from tea at the Banyan Veranda in Waikiki

We get asked about the price of milk and gas pretty often. I hardly look, because when we need either, I swipe my card and don't think twice.

I made an effort to look yesterday. Gas averages $3.10 a gallon. I paid $2.98 at Costco Gasoline, the most economical on the island.

A gallon of 2% milk was $4.97 yesterday.

A pineapple was $2.97.

Living here....still worth it for now.


  1. Rachelle, that is really great actually, considering your location. I'm paying $2.86 for gas here in Wichita, my milk for Nate is around $4.00 or a bit more and I can't get a pineapple for less than $3.97 unless at Sam's where, if they are any good, are about $2.97. So yeah, I think you're living a pretty good life! Love, rach

  2. Ahh..Milk and gas...a nation wide problem. I guess the only solution is to move to the country, ride a horse, and buy your own cow.

  3. I have known you almost my entire life, and I never knew you were so funny, Marcelle.


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