"Excuse me, my son just dropped my package in the mail without any postage. See, here is my ID. My name should be on the package. I need to put postage on it and send it out today."
Somehow Hubby has found that showing people an ID in tends to soften people into thinking you have some type of legitimacy and are not a total moron, in all different tense situations. The postal worker looked around Hubby. He did not see any such son. Hubby looked around. No son. There he was, bent over the stamp machine in the corner.
"Here daddy! I found money!" Son1 presented Hubby with some coin he dug out of a coin return. Uh huh. And how did the package get mailed without any postage? Who was watching this kid?
Reluctantly the postal carrier looked through the remaining packages. Nope. All gone. The driver was on her way to the airport with all the packages. Hubby would just have to wait until the main post office returned the package to sender. Except a few seconds later, in walked the driver. She had found a package without postage, and handed it to Hubby. He paid his postage, and sent the package off, postmarked on that day.
About that time Son1 sent a little stamp art to Grandma T. He was thrilled to put it in the mailbox, put up the red flag, and send it off to "Zona." You can read about that here. Knowing how excited Son1 has been about mail, I offered to send snail mail to anyone that was willing to participate in a little snail mail exchange. Well lucky you, LL. You were the only one that took me up on it. So you are getting an autographed copy of the counting book that Son1's preschool teacher wrote, called All Around the Islands for your munchkins. Son1 has been practicing finding AL on a map and saying it, too, for the last 2 days. I showed Son1 your boys' pictures in the capes and hats. Today Hubby took him to mail your package. And he said he sent it to Ayabana. So it should be coming soon. Much aloha.
Yippeee! The boys will love it. We will be looking for it in the mail and will be sure to return the favor. My kids say "Affabama," by the way. It's a tough word.