Sunday, February 10, 2008


Even after living in Hawaii for three years, I learn something new every day. A group of Son1's friends had a tentative play date for Friday at the park. E. called and we couldn't decide if we could beat the rain for a playdate. I suggested she call T. and call me back. "Do you have Wonderphone?" What was that? I asked her if I had a what?

"Ohh. So you can get get another call coming in, but you can't make another one going out?" No. "Ohhhh. Wonderphone, you know...that's what you folks on the mainland call three way calling, right?" I just cracked up laughing. "YES. I guess that's what you call wonderphone?" We never went to the park, and I didn't talk to T. because I don't have Wonderphone.

Later that night I told my neighbors my new vocabulary word. So they taught me another new one, pilau pronounced pee-lau. It is a local pidgin slang that means dirty, filthy, or with a stench. Here it is used in a sentence:
Brah, yo clothes stay pilau. You no like go wash um or wot?

Other words of interest in Hawaii:
rubbish- used instead of the word trash. We don't have trash cans. We have rubbish cans and rubbish trucks.
wagon-used instead of shopping cart.
all pau- pronounced pow...means all done
pau hana-celebrating the end of the work day
pu pu- pronounced pooh pooh...doesn't mean going #2. Word used for any heavy appetizers or finger foods.
doo doo- going #2....very important if you want to be understood with a little one.
shi shi- going #1

There are several others...I'll teach them to you when you get here....

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