Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wishing for Fishing

Hubby picked up some brand spanking nice new fishing poles, tackle box, and gear at a yard sale. Ooohh Son1 thought these were the coolest. He begged to go fishing. Incidentally, he had been fighting naps, too. No, he is not outgrowing naps. He still naps for two and three hour stretches. When he doesn't nap he is a totally different child, one I can't recognize and care not to blog about. We told him if he napped for three days in a row, we would take him fishing. Sure enough, he napped three days in a row for two to three hours at a time. He was motivated! He knew when he woke up from his third nap it was time to go fishing! We packed up the kids, some snacks, and the gear, and headed for the fishing dock.We pulled into the dock around sunset. Every Hawaiian sunset is a winner. I held my breath for a few seconds, and marveled in the beauty. Son1 loves sunsets, too.

Read the top sign. Did we really want to catch anything?

We unloaded the snacks and set everyone up. Not one Farmer caught a fish. We did watch the folks next to us reel in a handful, and watched a puffer fish break their line. I wonder if they had better luck because they had better bait. Maybe these fish really just don't go for cheeseburger bait.


  1. OK that sign makes you stop and wonder so many things

    It looks like you guys had great family fun even if you did not catch a thing.

  2. Did you really put cheeseburger on the line? If you want to catch fish, you have to use anchovies!

  3. Oh that is so exciting, even without catching any fish. Son2 looks like he is having a great time too :) What a great family outing!

    Did you do any additional research about the sign's contents??? lol


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