Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Misery Loves Company

Have you ever moved homes or moved jobs, and just when you are feeling sad about it, it just isn't so sad when you find out your friends are moving, too? I know! It's a warm fuzzy feeling, sharing the same "in between places" kind of space, and you are feeling just as icky about this whole move thing as me!

Hubs and I started leading the young married group at our church in 2005. Sarah and Kevin were the only couple that started the group and ended the group with us, and lots of folks came later and moved in between. Sarah and I grew to be good friends, and we love so much of the same about Hawaii. They are from the Baltimore area, about an hour from the northern VA area, where we moved from. And let's just say the shadow of the nation's capitol is a whole different culture from Hawaii. So we both had some adjusting to do. But like me, she fell in love with Hawaiian culture, and hoped time would slow down before we made the jump across the Big Pond back to the Big Rock.

Oh, and the other thing I love about Sarah? She HEARTS Christmas and HEARTS tea time. (And she hearts Jesus and my kids, what's not to love?) So when her husband was deployed, guess who helped me decorate my Christmas tree when I was pregnant in 2006?

Absolutely one thing Sarah and I wanted to see before we left was the Honolulu City Lights parade and the lighting of the Christmas tree at City Hall. I took a lot of not so great pictures. But I will remember how warm it was that night (see how much smarter Sarah was than me in her clothing choice) the excitement I son felt to watch the parade and spend time with Mr. Kevin, and all of the parade elements you only see in Hawaii. The Geico gecko (we have geckos everywhere in Hawaii) showered the crowd with green mardi gras beads, fire dancers twirled fire, and danced, and many floats played music on ukuleles.

This is the Honolulu Police Department float, and a few officers played and sung with their ukuleles and piped the music through their amp system.

This was by far our favorite float...the meter maid. The meter maid was souped up like a reindeer, pulling a sleigh on hydraulics.

It was sweet for our family to share the night with Sarah and Kevin, knowing we would all say aloha soon.

How about you? Have you ever shared a moment of lasts with friends?


  1. Woo-hoo I'm the first to leave a comment - I feel so special.

    Loved the pictures and am so glad you have a friend ywho you can comiserate with.

    I have had similar experiences with friends too, not pertaining to last per say but to discovering that we are both going through a similar trial or challenge. "Oh you are going through that too... I feel so much better now :)" You get the idea.

  2. Sorry for the typos... that's what happens when I hit send before double checking what I wrote! My bad.

  3. My cute sister is looking very skinny still even on hotel food :)


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