Friday, April 3, 2009

The Farmer Files: Spying on San Diego

Welcome back to The Farmer Files! Do you love the new look?!?! I LOVE it! Tell me you love it, too!!! I still need to tweak the side bars a bit over the weekend, so extend some blog grace, people! In the meantime, grab my badge, right over there----> on the side bar, and post it on your blog!

A while back, I was surfing blogs, and I found Lindsey down in Panama. She had posted honeymoon picture from Kauai, and wrote how she missed Hawaii. I poked around more, and found out she is from California, just north of San Diego. Like me, she had once upon a time been a teacher, and now is a stay at home mom. I invited her to visit my blog any time she was missing Hawaii. After our move, a redesign was inevitable. I could no longer be LOST on Oahu now that I was found in San Diego. HA! I asked Lindsey to redesign my blog. She and her husband are missionaries in Panama so she blog designs part time. Woo wee did she have patience with me! But Lindsey was flexible and captured The Farmer Files better than I imagined it could look! Thank you!

In the meantime, I searched deep into my blogging soul about what I wanted this blog to be about. I had so much fun sharing Hawaii with you, and (I think) so many of you loved coming along on our family adventures. (Which believe me, people, I WILL take a week some time and tell you the last of our adventures!!)

Truly, I want to do the same again in San Diego. This is my hometown, my old stomping grounds. I love it here. (Now I do love it differently than Hawaii, but I do love it here.) There is so much I want to share with you. San Diego is California's second largest city, with over 70 miles of beaches. There are so many world known family attractions here. We border Mexico, and since my heritage is Mexican, I will even share how that colors what I see in San Diego! And since tourism is one of the largest boosters to San Diego's economy, I promise to take you to some really beautiful places!

But before then, I have to tell you, I will be back here blogging for those of you that have been reading for awhile. And that means that I will share with you much of what is going on right here at Casa Farmer. It means that I may not get to "Spying on San Diego" immediately. Expect to hear more about the usual shenanigans that befall the Farmer family! We have a lot of construction around our house, and most of you know we have a baby on the way. And I am kind of under the gun because I have visitors coming in THREE weeks. Actually there are visitors coming April, May, and June! Yikes!

So until then, you are invited to hang out here at my house. I will even share some pictures. Notice I said "some." Ha ha! And I will be visiting your places soon.

(((HUGS))) to you all! Don't forget to grab the button on your way out!


  1. I'm going to miss hearing about Hawai'i (you better post about the rest of your adventures!!), but I am excited to hear about a new city!

  2. I look forward to all that you will post in San Diego! Girl...I grew up in the largest city in California....San Jose!!! LOL

  3. Glad to see you back! And I love the new look for the blog.

    I know I will enjoy reading about La Familia Farmer. San Diego is just background.

    Although I will have fun with news about my old hometown.

  4. I do love the new look. And I can't wait for your travel tours of SD. As you know, I love SD. It will be fun to see it through your eyes.

  5. Love the new look! Looks like we will be down for our annual trip to SD for the Seahawks/Chargers pre-season game in August.

  6. I love the look of your blog! It is so bright and fresh and pretty! Loving it!

  7. I love the new look! Super cute!

  8. ooohhh this is SOOOO NICE! love the new look ! so refreshing!

  9. OK. I am loving this new look on you. It looks fabulous.
    I'm so excited for you and the new "old" life in San Diego. It's like the new Adventures of old Christine or something like that.
    Anyway, It suits you perfectly.
    I'll put your button on my blog.


  10. I love the new look / theme of your blog! Looking forward to hearing about your ongoing adventures :).


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