Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Because I'm Not Just ANYbody!

Last week I had Hubby's wheels because he had the kids and needed the car seats in my car. On my list of stops was a particular store to get part of a present for Charis. (I am sure her mother must think I have forgotten her, but truly not!) The store is located at a popular shopping area in Honolulu, with one of the most poorly designed parking garages. I pulled into the mouth of the garage, and gaped up at the fading black letters: WARNING SIX FOOT CLEARANCE. I tried to imagine I was six feet tall (hard to imagine since I am 5'1"). Would that make me taller than Hubby's car? My own car makes it in a seven foot clearance. What could I do now? I could back up, or I could chance it. I pulled into the garage and heard something between a CHINK! and a PING! Some part of his car made contact with the cement over head. Ohh this was bad. Now I had the option to park in a tight space, or head down to the basement, or farther overhead. Through the grate of the parking garage, the basement looked empty, so I headed down again. CHINK! PING! Double OH NO! I barely made it into the lower level of the garage and suddenly felt claustrophobic and hit the panic button. I needed to get out of here. Hubby was going to kill me.

Down at the other opening of the garage, I saw an exit and the ceiling of the garage must have been an extra two or three feet higher. Perfect. This was my way out. I pulled down to the end of the garage, and came face to face with a single chain link and three groundskeepers. They told me I should try to get out the way I came in, since this was just for groundskeepers. Fine. I swept into a large three point turn, and drove up to the way I entered the basement level. Gingerly I pulled the first third of the vehicle up the hill. Claustrophobia set in again. I pulled the emergency brake, jumped out, stared at the opening, and again stared at the vehicle. How had I slid down into the basement? How in the world was it possible for me to fit on the decline but not on the incline? I did not want to find out. Moreover, I did not want Hubby to have to find out! I popped the emergency brake, hit reverse, listened to the annoying back up sensor,and charged back to the other end of the garage. I begged the groundskeepers to let me out, but they said I had to check with the boss. He was just pulling away. I pulled my car right up to the chain link, threw the vehicle in Park, and tried hopelessly to find the head groundskeeper to unlock the chain.

A bicycle security guy rode up on his bike toward me. He asked me what was the problem. I explained there was no way I was going to get this vehicle up to the next level without scraping the top of the roof rack. Never mind I had already done it twice. He asked me how in the world I had driven over the single chain link that was two feet in the air, where we were standing. Didn't I get that was to keep people out? I rolled my eyes. Hubby's car doesn't have that much muscle. It's no Knight Rider. It doesn't fly. No, no, no. The vehicle fit on the way down. I had driven into the basement. I just couldn't get myself back up, even though I already tried. Young bicycle boy eyed the car, then eyed me. "Well, how about if we both try again?" Was he for real? I am insured on the car, I am married to the owner, and I had already potentially damaged the car. One way to get myself into deeper trouble was to let his little testosterone, muscle man self get behind the wheel and prove what I already knew. It wasn't going to fit. "No," I said sternly. He didn't like that. I am not saying every security guy is like this, but you give some people a bicycle, a helmet, and a walkie talkie and they think they have got you. So then, he started to interrogate me.

"What were you thinking driving down here?" he shot at me. Did he think I was really going to answer his rhetorical question? There was no need to answer. I dismissed his question. "What does it matter why I came down here? The point is I am down here now, and there is only one way for me to get out. The groundskeepers said I could get out. All I needed to do was ask the boss. I am NOT driving this car up the ramp when I know I am not going to make it." He didn't look at me, but pinched the speaker on his shoulder, explained the situation to someone across air waves, and asked if I could be let out. The person on the other end patched back that yes, I could be let through. To my surprise, he dug into his pocket, pulled out a key, and unlocked the pad lock. Why had he made this so difficult, I wondered silently.

But bicycle boy wasn't going to let this go. Nooo. "You know, we just don't do this for anybody." So I took one look at him and said, "Well, I'm not just ANYbody. I am the LOST star!" He turned and looked at me slowly. "You're the LOST star?" I informed him I was going to be on April 24. He glared at me, and in a mocking voice said, "LOST, what's that?" My last words were, "Yeah, whatever," as I climbed behind the wheel. I drove off, parked in an outdoor space, completed my shopping, and headed home.
A few minutes after I arrived, Hubby asked me how I liked driving his car. "I don't," I answered a little too quickly. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Well, I want to tell you the whole story, and I want to be honest, but I don't want to get in trouble." His mouth made a small "O." I recounted my misadventure at the parking garage. He didn't say much. When I finished, he said he wanted to check out his car. I insisted I was going with him to look. I grabbed the two kids, and Hubby looked at me inquisitively. "Well, I figure you can't get too mad at me in front of the kids," I smiled. He stood up on the runner and looked at the overhead rack. He popped a piece of black rubber molding back into place of the roof rack. He jumped down, and started laughing. There was nothing damaged. He couldn't believe that the guy actually thought I seriously might be the LOST star. So that's the running joke in our house now. I'm not just ANYbody!


  1. I thought you had a convertible? Did you change cars again?

  2. HEHEH....that is totally funny! I hate parking garages!! I would rather park miles away than park in a garage. For that matter I use steps instead of the elevator also..hmmm YOU are right about the Securtiy Guard...lol...there was no reason he should have given you a hard time! OK and the LOST comment....ooo too funny! Is your Competive Spirit jealous???

    Reminds me of my brand new camper top installed atop my pathfinder, which I got literally stuck in a parking garage, I was in sweats and I had the 130 lb rottweiller with me. I panicked, prayed, and the LORD send a literal human who acted like an angel, who helped me squeak out of my tight spot. He helped me remove the camper top, and we slid it inside the truck, but then the 130 lb dog had to be buckled into the FRONT seat. I broke the camper top, and to this day Hunk has it all ducktaped up. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

  4. you are a hoot. way to stand up for yourself. i'm not allowed in parking garages in our van because I took out the side mirror only three days after buying the thing. I hate parking garages.

  5. If your hubby still had his old handy dandy Honda Civic Hybrid you never would have been able use this story as blog fodder b/c you would have had tons of room on both sides and no scrapage to worry about ;). So in a way I guess it's good you have a big huge car to make us all laugh and keep us entertained!

  6. To answer the questions...YES we still have the convertible, but it is for sale. Hubby thought I would love the car, but I never drive it.

    The LOST question was actually produced by my Competitive Spirit.

    Eleven or twelve years ago I whacked off a side mirror on Hubby's fancy shmancy car for $550. He split it with me. We hadn't been dating that long and we were both poor at UCLA.

    Honda Hybrid...Hubby thought that car was SO uncomfortable he was SO happy to move on!

  7. It may have indeed been uncomfortable but it did help get him home to you earlier on work days since Hybrids are allowed to drive in the HOV lanes. So it was good for something atleast besides back pain :).

    Too bad the Big S never tried out the Toyota Prius he would have loved it - I know Abe loves his!


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