Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poker Muscles

We had a little going away shin dig for some friends this weekend. The wife (yes, the one that moved, the one I had no mercy on) thought she had me with a Full House, 2s over Jacks. NO NO NO! I could not be stopped with my ROYAL FLUSH.

See me flexing my poker muscles? The odds of hitting a Royal Flush in Texas Hold Em is 1 in 650,000. That is according to Google. So if that figure is wrong, take it up with them.

This is for everyone that has wondered how my Competitive Spirit is doing.


  1. Glad to see your competitive spirit is still alive and well - and dare I say thriving ;)!

  2. More like the dramatic spirit. I think Lost should call you back up and have you on as a regular.

  3. HEHEHE LOVE IT! Ah I am so glad to hear that your Competitive Spirit is Thriving!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL


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