Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Cards

I just got back from Wal Mart. I stood there, overanalyzing the Christmas cards. I really wanted the nativity kind for $3.00 for 30 cards. They were a great deal. The particular set I wanted was pretty evangelical in the different inscriptions. They say much more than Jesus is the Reason for the Season. They talk about the dwelling of Christ, the fulfillment of Jesus Christ, fullness of His joy, Father of Lights, and setting our hearts at rest in His presence. And a thought crossed my mind that maybe I should go with the cute Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian Merry Christmas) ones for the folks that are getting cards that may not be Christians. A fleeting thought...nah...if they don't like it, so what? They are getting Starbucks cards inside anyway. Besides, Jesus didn't just come for the people who know Him....


  1. I'm appalled at this posting...why were you at Walmart instead of Costco?

  2. Because I walked into Wal Mart well after 10pm at night and Costco doesn't love my money enough to stay open past 8:30pm.


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