Monday, January 7, 2008

Not Big Enough for the Dolphins

You can walk along the coastal shore that borders the hotel between the keiki (Hawaiian word for children) beach lagoon pools and the pools with the waterslides. In between there is a Dolphin Quest, amongst other things, where you can swim with the dolphins. But you have to be FIVE and Son1 is THREE. This was some bad, bad news to us, and he let us and all the folks along the way to the waterslides know that he wanted to swim with the dolphins. Here I am telling him he is a big boy every day, and now that he is not big enough.

Later that night he still didn't forget. He told us he wants to go soo-bee di-been just like daddy and see the fishees and the daw-fins. (Never mind mommy is a scuba diver, too.)

I couldn't break it to him that PADI starts certification at TWELVE. That would have really burst his bubble!


  1. Okay that is really cool picutre with the dolphin right there! O the poor little guy...I know how he must have really wanted to do that! It looked like a great great trip!

  2. know, we see these while living here, but never this close...he just couldn't understand when I said he was too little but he is as tall as the five year olds!


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