Friday, January 4, 2008

The Little Train Driver That Could

Our days on the Big Island were full of fun, and we would go go go until our kids wiped out. Son2 generally had an earlier bedtime than the rest of the family. He went to sleep in the bedroom, and then Hubby would sit in the living rom with his laptop and do schoolwork.
Which meant Son1 and I made ourselves scarce. The boat dock was right at the bottom of our tower, so we would hop on a boat until we got to the main lobby. The lobby was still decorated for New Year's. The display was quite large, and inspired by the Happy Feet movie. It had several electric trains running through the penguin palace with hot air balloons above, and other stationary trains around. The display was created by the exectutive sous chef for the hotel. He made train tunnels through the display, and the trains ran through tunnels and over bridges. Now you know how crazy Son1 is for trains.
So, we would jump on the tram that runs through the hotel at the lobby, and take it the wrong way to the end of the line. We positioned ourselves so that when the train was going our direction back to our tower, we were directly behind the driver. Son1 cheered the whole way for the driver. He gabbed, gabbed, gabbed the whole way with the driver. See those finger prints on the window? Evidence we were there...yeah, they belong to Son1.
I have no idea how this little boy gets people to do him special favors, but the driver let him get in the driver's seat.


  1. looks like fun. glad ya'll are back. we've missed hearing all about island life!

  2. O how much FUN! It looks like so much FUN!

    So you guys in to Football...I thought about you the nite our Company was all watching the HI VS GA game.... ;-) I wanted to HI to win by the WAY.

    I am so not a GA FAN!!

  3. Yeah, yeah, yeah! We watched it, too! So sad for us!


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