Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sixty Nine Degrees

Most homes in Hawaii are built without insulation. It is an extra $8,000 to have it put in your whole house pre-construction, and much more afterward. This was a big shock to us when we moved here. We had just our attic insulated to retain cool air from the air conditioning, and retain the daily heat during the cooler winters. We live "mauka side" or on the mountain side, about 1,000 feet above sea level. So it gets cooler here. I was freezing late this morning! I threw on a sweatshirt, some black yoga pants, and socks. (Ha ha, I am not into yoga.) Oooh it was still really cold! Right before I jumped under the covers to warm up for a few minutes, I glanced at the thermostat. Sixty nine degrees. It did get into the seventies later in the day, but I kept my warm clothes on! It's funny how temperature can be relative. Sixty nine degrees was a really warm day in the Virginia winter, and one degree from average year round temperature in Southern California. Hawaii is the only place I have ever felt cold at sixty nine degrees!


  1. We keep our thermostat set at 68! But sometimes I feel cold, too.


  2. If you ever move is the same here. They do not insulate the walls unless you request it during pre constrution and it is expensive. I was shocked to discover that we do not have pretty pink insulation in our walls....just the attic. I agree with you 69 is very chilly here!! It has gotten a bit cold here and my friends and family up North have been laughing yet again at us having to just put on Jogging clothes...they said oo poor us sniff sniff...As my SIL lives in

  3. I apologize in advance for not being very sympathetic right now as it is snowing outside and in the low 30's here in good old VA.

    I do remember back in high school when we lived in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, the same thing would happen to me! I think it comes from being in a tropical climate and having your blood be a tad bit thinner as a result. Of course I'm not a medical person so don't quote me on that. However I am fairly sure that's the reason for your being cold at a measly 69 degrees ;).

  4. Spoiled rotten is what you are. ;) Wish I were spoiled, too.

  5. Spoiled rotten is what you are. ;) I wish I were spoiled rotten, too.

  6. I was just getting ready to tell you to check out my blog and you bet me to it!!! lol I love your blog!

  7. You are too funny, it's supposed to be in the 20s low 30s as a high this weekend :) We finally got your blog site; glad to hear what's going on in Hawaii!

  8. You are too funny! it's supposed to be in the 20s low 30s as a high this weekend :) We finally got your blog site; glad to hear what's going on in Hawaii!

  9. OOO it is getting cold in the South! We are now 45 degrees tonite. We had to actually turn on the HEAT! Ugg lol We are just 2 hours from FL. It is just wrong to be this lol


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