Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Best Trash of All

A small group of us planned the women's retreat at our church. The day was rich with teaching of God's Word by a BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) teacher. The theme was God is My Treasure.

Now to the fun...S and I planned the games. Naaah, S planned the games, I just helped. S works in marketing, so she is into this stuff. She outlined the team building games, all around a treasure theme. Can you guess what we are doing here?
Our most favorite game was the Trash to Treasure game. We gave each of four teams a pile of trash and they were to create something. Here, we were sorting trash in the minutes before the start of the retreat. One of the ladies came up and asked us what we were doing. I couldn't tell her just yet, but insisted she take our picture, anyway.

I had gobs of benign trash stashed away in a trash bag in this very laundry hamper for our game. A few days before the retreat I noticed that the hamper was empty. OH NO. I asked Hubby if he had seen my stashed trash. "Yeah, it was trash, right? I threw it away..." Well, yes it was trash, but it wasn't that kind of trash!! I sent an S.O.S. email asking a handful of ladies for bigger and better and volumes of trash. I laughed when I received an email asking from one lady that if she donated something, could she get it back. We received binoculars, a foot stool, a broken fishing reel, a child's old art project, dusty floral arrangements, old toys, telephones, oh the list could go on and on. We had so much trash! S looked at the stuff that came just from my car. "What are you talking about? You have plenty of trash!" Hmmm made me think about how much more I can still clean out my house. Totally different from her. This is the woman who thinks her dream job would be a professional organizer. She had maybe 1/50 of the stuff I brought. Then again I have kids. They produce more stuff. Oh I have stuff these days like I never had before!

I appointed S the spur of the moment judge. That's because OH YES my Competitive Spirit was participating. We were on a budget, so the grand prize was to be the first group in the line for lunch, which was absolutely fab, (you know, because J. put it together).

My camera battery was low, so the pictures are a little fuzzy, and some pictures were so bad I didn't include them.

This is Queen Esther and her cardboard scepter wearing 2 year old Kathleen's shoes, I think.

See the kandoo box? That is the throne in the story of Esther.

Hmmm I remember this one had a Garden of Eden theme and a trinity theme, with lots of craft things in threes. They represented things we tend to make our earthly treasures.

Now this is my group. And yes, the Competitive Spirit suggested we make a person. You know, the Competitive Spirit has this thing about original ideas. This is our Fisher of Men. We scored binoculars and the broken fishing reel. Two old cordless phones made his arms, an old cell phone ear piece made his ip*d in his ears. Curling ribbon made his fishing line, and we had blue river rock beads that made water. We made a play doh fish outlined by a silver pipe cleaner. Out of his head came a child's art project, and also the dusty floral arrangement. He is sitting next to Kristen...I want to live somewhere next to her in heaven when she sings! Our Fisher of Men is wearing her dad's broken sandals he left in Hawaii. You must know judge S was also in our group.

Well it came time to judge whose trash was best. Remember, I bowed out of the judging. S gave a little award to each group, however, the Fisher of Men lost to Queen Esther. Now, my Competitive Spirit was ok with this, since I knew we couldn't really win an award with S, K, and me at the same table. I knew that ours was just the most smashing trash creation, anyway! But you know my Competitive Spirit felt a little vindicated when S sent me an email this week that said, well, I really shouldn't tell you, but you can guess!!!


  1. Well you know what they say... one persons trash is another persons treasure - guess you drove that point home this past weekend! Good job with the fisher of men representative - he must have felt pretty honored to be the only guy in the joint ;)!

  2. GREAT POST and YOU KNOW I would LOVE THIS POST...hehehe!

  3. That sounds like it was such fun! Ooh! I want to do that with a group of people in our church too! *makes mental note*


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