Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Haircuts

Son1 is not a big fan of haircuts. When he was smaller, one parent held him, and the other parent ran the clippers furiously over his head. Often he screamed intensely and wrenched himself away. We prayed that the whole hair cut would come out even. We cut first, and checked later. We tried the toy distractions, the lollipops, and we even tried to let him cut Daddy's hair a little. Yes, we were desperate. Nooooo, a barber was not even a possibility, not even the kiddie barber. The sound of the clippers and the prickliness of fallen hair bugs him. A few months back Hubby bought a flowbee that attaches to a vacuum. That worked until the flowbee died this weekend. Guess what works now?

Noise reduction headphones in our garage


  1. I need to get me some of those for Ian - he absolutely HATES it when I cut his hair. I suspect it is b/c of the sound of the hair clippers.

  2. That is a great idea. The whole haircut thing reminded me of my daughter's experience with her twins first haircuts a few months ago. She got great pictures.

  3. Boy he really is noise sensitive! Well, you have to do what works. Mom got really upset at me b/c I trimmed David's hair, so I had to take him to get his hair fixed which was more drama. This really uptight hair dresser just gave me this dirty look b/c David refused to cut his hair unless I sat in the chair with him. It isn't like me in the chair affected her hair cutting abilities. She was just being difficult. She was young and obviously didn't have children. The problem is that my two year old looks like a four year old so people expect more of him. Oh Well.

  4. Great Idea!!!!! HE is so cute even when he is hating getting a haircut!!!!


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