Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This New Year With Three Boys

I was coming back here anyway. Regular blogging in 2010 is one of my three resolutions. But Rachel nearly sent me an S.O.S. email. I kindly responded with no answers and told her to read my blog, because I am sensitive like that.

She asked if Son1 is back in school. I am sure she genuinely wanted to know. Everyone asks me that these days. But they don't just ask me. They ask me with a hopefulness, like that should bring me some relief from three boys at home. Nope, he is home until mid January, and I am thrilled. This house is rockin' like a jack hammer hit it. The walls are shaking, the floor is pounding, and my head is spinning. Not always. But a lot of the time it is loud. That is OK with me. Contentment is a choice. I am drinking life in, because for now, I have two little boys that still call me Mommy, and I am just not ready to give it up. When it is gone, a season will have passed, and I am not ready to be Just Mom yet. For now, I get saluted and called Captain by my pirates with wild imaginations. But the start of a new year reminds me that time is passing.

The other day we dined at a lunch buffet kind of place. On the price list kids 3 and under were free, kids 3 to 5 were a certain price, and then kids 6 to 12 were another price. Perfect. Hubs and I plus our five year old made for a cheap lunch. The cashier tried to correct us. She asked us how old Son2 was, though we told her he was free. Then she tried to correct us about Son1's age. Yup, he is five until August. She was not convinced. I finally apologized, noting that Hubs and I are short, and somehow we are blessed with tall children but we really were not lying. No one believes us ever. They are big kids. And because they are physically big, I wonder often if that will speed up their emotional maturity beyond their years. I truly hope not. I want them to be 5 and 2 just because they are only that old!!

So these winter days (it is in the mid 70s here) have been flanked by evenings around our fire pit, roasting marshmallows over an open fire, and squishing them into s'mores. We have had two children fall in the pool since New Year's on two different nights. Yes, both were boys, and no, neither were mine. That is no surprise; life around this house is active, with scooter riding and hide and go seek in the dark.

Son3 is just a gem so far. He seems to wonder when it gets too quiet, unless he is in his crib. He wants in on the action. He starts to squawk if he can hear us but cannot see us. He is happiest when his brothers are around and does not yet mind the chaos. The big boys are perfectly at ease when I am occupied with the baby to drum up some turbulence around the house. They have that "when the cat is away the mice will play" syndrome. I am grateful for their bond, though.

Life here is busy and exhausting. Feeding an infant, popping the toddler on and off the potty, and working on Kinder skills with the eldest is just a fraction of all that needs to be accomplished in a day. I fall in bed ready for the day to be over. In that moment, I choose contentment over worry, over frustration, and over life's curve balls. My life is full.

But that choice to be content can be so hard some days. Raising our boys is a two person gig. My Hubs steps up to the plate so often. He reminds me to be gentle, to be patient, to find joy in the moments that are not so joyous, because they are just moments. So it is with these fruits of the spirit that we have ventured out so much since Son3 has been born. Here we are, just before our little man's third trip to the zoo, just before Christmas.

LL recently wrote this post about THIS DAY.

I read it and I just kept thinking of this song.


  1. I am so glad to see you back here. This is a wonderful post. It is a great reminder to treasure our children and enjoy this precious time with them when they our young and to even enjoy the choas. I am so glad to see you back here. This is a wonderful post. It is a great reminder to treasure our children and enjoy this precious time with them when they our young and to even enjoy the chaos.

    I love that song and now I will be thinking about as I go through my day. :)

  2. Ah yes, Contentment is most definitely a choice! Glad to see you are still alive and kickin'! looking forward to what you will share with us next!

  3. I love this post! I was excited to see YOUR post! Love the picture of YOU guys!

  4. aren't these the days!
    lovely to see you loving on them.

  5. What a wonderful, insightful post! I so thoroughly enjoyed that. "There's a special place in heaven for the mother of three boys." My sisters always said that, and they each had three boys right in a row, so I guess they heard that often.

  6. So glad to see you posting again!
    Sigh, I love your post. It's just what I needed. I've been having a 'rough' day with things that shouldn't be 'rough' and need to give it all to God and just let it be.

    I love your family! You guys look so happy! :) *sniff*

  7. Oh, it's SO GOOD to read an update from you! Sounds like the transition from two to three is going well!! Boys are so active, but I know you know that..heehee.

    My eldest who is 13 was always bigger for his size. It's funny because my husband and I aren't that tall, and my son is now taller than his dad! Everyone always thought he was older than what he was. He could totally pass for being 16 years old, and it doesn't help that he has a deep voice!!! LOL. Just some boys mature physically faster than their peers.

    Love the picture of you and your boys! Such a beautiful family!!!

    Happy New Year!!!

  8. loved the picture!! I can't get over how grown up S2 looks!!

  9. So fun reading your post again. Thanks for the update on all the men of your household. What sweet, patient husband you have. He is so right they are just moments. I could use him to talk me down from the ledge sometime. haha.
    Love the picture of you with the boys. The baby is just precious. I know he loves his brothers.
    You look great!
    Happy New Year.
    ♥ Joy

  10. Glad to see you back. And so glad to hear you are soaking these days up.

  11. Loved your Christmas letter and it would be GREAT to see you in June!

  12. Believe it or not, I was just thinking about you last night wondering how you were doing. It looks like things are good--and busy! I love the picture of you and the boys. My grandson doesn't go back to school until mid January either. Must be a San Diego thing huh? Karen is happy to have him home also. We are actually going to be in SD next Tuesday. We will be there from the 12th to the 22nd. Can't wait to see the boys. It's been a year.

  13. I've been hoping you were coming back to the blog world! It's great to hear from you. And that picture is wonderful!

  14. Yea!!! A new post! I've missed talking to you so today was awesome! What a beautiful picture of you and the boys! Take Care my dear friend!

  15. I loved having my children home and think wistfully of those days. You are right to treasure every minute!

  16. What a beautiful post! And a good reminder for all of us!


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