Thursday, October 9, 2008

Driving Already!

At a yard sale a couple of streets up, we scored a brand new set of LEFT handed youth golf clubs for Son1!!! Hooray! The set includes irons, a putter, and a driver, complete with a little hand towel. He is fascinated when Hubby golfs, and takes notice of the greens galore all over the island. Hawaii is a top golf destination. On the way back from kite surfing, we stopped at a nearby driving range.

Hubby loved every minute of this afternoon. I bet he imagined this day since my 20 week ultrasound 4 years ago, when he first peeked at our baby boy. In the meantime Son2 and I took a walk. Several yards from the driving range we saw this tree. See the shape of the hollow? It was a perfect and vivid commemoration of Son1's first day at the driving range with Daddy.


  1. awesome! I am sure daddy is so proud! Is Son1 a lefty?

  2. reb asked my providential!! Those times are just precious!

  3. How fun this must be for Daddy!

    Thank you for visiting my place on our BATW! It's amazing how small a world this is. We could have passed on the streets this summer and not even known it!

  4. That is sooooo cute! The golf bag must be taller than he is.

    I remember one of my Grandsons, was small when he got his first clubs and bag. His cousin said he would carry them because they were heavy, but he said no, he could do it. I think he only put that bag down for a couple minutes at a time, and it was really heavy too.

    Those pictures are priceless!

  5. I LOVED the picture of them both walking along with their golf bags slung over their shoulders. That was priceless.

  6. You guys just find the greatest things at garage sales! Very cute pictures :)

  7. Yay for lefties :-D

    How cute!!

  8. Aww, great pictures! That 2nd one of the two of them with their golf bags is my favorite :).

    Dh and our twins are lefties too :). LB hasn't decided which hand he prefers yet.

  9. wow he looks like a pro :) the next tiger woods?


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