Friday, October 17, 2008

Aloha Friday #4

Fridays are the days we take it easy in Hawaii. We call it Aloha Friday, much like what folks on the mainland call TGIF. I post a question, and you comment. That's it, unless you want to ask your own question at An Island Life.
My question is:
How and when did you learn to swim?
I started swim lessons at 14 months with my DAD at a mommy and me YMCA class in San Diego. He was so proud to be 1 of 2 dads in the class.
Tomorrow I am posting about my kids learning to swim!


  1. My grandparents had a swimming pool when I was little. My parents tried to show me how to swim when really little. I believe I started traditional swim lessons when I was 2-3 years old. This reminds me that I need to find a place to sign up my 5 year old for lessons this fall/winter.

  2. I am a weak swimmer-- probably why large bodies of water scare me. :O

    Happy Aloha friday!

  3. Weak swimmer here too. I think it's cuz I had undiagnosed asthma as a kid. When I took swimming lessons (in 2nd grade, I think), I always felt like I couldn't get enough air. Now I'm fairly steady as long as I do a stroke that doesn't require me to put my head underwater. :)

  4. We were always around water growing up...esp the Potomac ya know. I know that I had formal lessons in elementary school.

  5. I started lessons in preschool (I think). I could swim at age five. One of my friends has twin three year olds, a boy and a girl. The girl learned to swim this past summer. Her brother, like Wesley, was not interested in swimming without a floatation device.

  6. I learned to swim in grade school at a place called White's Beach on Lake Huron in Michigan. Later when my kids were babes, I became a swim instructor at the YMCA and taught them to swim. They were less than a year when they had their first lessons. Kids really take to water at that age.

  7. Learned to swim with all of my cousins in my grandparents backyard know, when cheese doodles were the bribe - haha!

    Now, scuba - I learned in your neck of the woods...

    Love your blog ♥

  8. I can't remember NOT swimming. My family had a pool and from what I'm told I was like a fish and just took to the water.

  9. I learned to swim real young. I think I may have forgot because when we went to Disney a few years ago, I got a really paniky feeling in the place where you scuba swim with sharks. Bizzare.

  10. My best friend ( at the time) dad taught me how to swim, I would say I was in first grade when I finally learned to swim well enough to be able to safe myself in an accident

  11. ....what part did you get on LOST??? What season/episode??? Love that show :)

  12. Oooh I was an extra on "The Shape of Things to Come" last season!

  13. I don't think I really can swim! I took swimming lessons when I was about 6 or so but never really got good at it. I think I have a fear of the water...

  14. learned to swim the old fashioned thrown int he pool and cam e up swimming. was never scared of the i must have been like 2 or so. i did take swim lessons at 5...hated them. i just wanted to jump in!

  15. My Mom enrolled me in swim classes when I was about 7.

  16. We were living in the Bahamas and my mom took my brother and I to swimming lessons at the neighborhood pool. I'll never forget my swim instructor throwing me into the deep end of the pool. I can still see his red swim trunks, dark legs and bubbles. Its amazing my brother and I love to swim. DP

  17. My parents sent me two consecutive years to the YMCA to learn to swim. Though I did not learn to swim there, I did learn one should wear swimwear that is not a few sizes too big. *sigh*

    I knew I could swim when I was a teenager and got separated from a raft.

  18. I actually still don't really know how to swim. I can float, and stay above water, but actual swimming... nope.

  19. When I was in 3rd grade, our class took swimming lessons.

  20. I'm ashamed to admit it but I don't know how to swim. I want my son to learn how to swim so we'll enroll him in swimming class this summer.

  21. What a fun question! I don't really remember when I learned to swim, it was just something I always knew how to do. Which leads me to think, I must have taken lessons when I was very little. :)

  22. I was 5 or 6 years old and learned at the local public pool. I remember 8 AM swim lessons out side in the early summer and I remember how cold the water was the most. I learned how to swim but to this day I am not a good swimmer and don't like going under the water.

  23. I learned to swim at a young age. I finally got the dog paddle down at a hotel pool in some location I cannot remember anymore. Mrs. M learned to swim at a young age too. Swimming is important to learn at a young age and very practical. It's a survival skill, right? It is also good for the body.

  24. Maybe I'm just old but...I don't remember.
    I did always teach my children that the three things they had to learn were
    and Swimming!
    Big Smile.

  25. I have no idea. Honestly I don't remember how or where it happened. I swam a lot!


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