Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good Enough to Lick the Bowl

Wordless Wednesday

He had two and a half bowls of chicken alfredo, and THEN SOME!

For more Wordless Wednesday participants, find them here.


  1. Boy, someone sure enjoyed dinner! Can he come over and teach my kids how to appreciate a meal?

  2. Sounds like you've got a little gourmet in the making! Teach that boy to cook!

  3. Thank you fro visiting my blog. Nice to meet you.

    Warm Regards,

  4. Oh, he was a hungry boy! Don't you just love that though? My children have been WAY picky these days and it's really getting old! Maybe I should make chicken alfredo tonight? hmmm....

  5. Oh, he was a hungry boy! Don't you just love that though? My children have been WAY picky these days and it's really getting old! Maybe I should make chicken alfredo tonight? hmmm....

  6. Yummmm. Care to share the recipe?

  7. Very handsome litte one! It's times like those when you don't mind cleaning up a mess!

  8. Wow! Bowl licking! That must have been one heck of a bowl of pasta! Yum!

  9. I bet my daughter would give her eyeteeth if her kids would eat like that. Luka does but not the other two.

  10. Oh, I love lick-the-bowl dinners! It makes me proud!

    Thanks for stopping by on your BATW layover!

  11. I have a picture of me like that too! Last week! JK! Too cute and sounds yummy!

  12. That little guy has personality! I like that he does everything in his own grand style :)

  13. I think someone had to let go a very big burp after that!!

  14. If anyone wants to know, that chicken alfredo is at Costco in the deli section! This little guy eats inordinate amounts of food. He is in the 50%. And my older one? He is in the 90% for height and eats like a bird. :) When he doesn't finish his food the baby attacks his plate. Literally.

  15. There are times when things are so yummy that I would like to do the same!! Very cute.

  16. It certainly looks like a certain someone enjoyed dinner! I recognize the booster seat and cups . . . have those here :)

    Happy WW!

  17. Boy, I need that recipe!! Looks like he really enjoyed it. Happy WW!!

  18. Wow! Now I'm hungry again... lol

  19. If it warrants a bowl licking then it must have been good!!!

  20. I think he likes it!!!
    What a handsome young man!

  21. Now if only we mammas could only get that response when giving them a bowl of brocolli!! *snortchucklesnort*

    What a great face! Happy WW!

  22. What a happy little eater! It's nice when someone appreciates your cooking!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your boys are too cute!

  24. ummmmmmmmmmm, if only I could down that much chicken alfredo and have no guilt...

    thanks for stopping by babywearingbuzz!!

  25. Love his expression! You got him looking totally triumphant.

    "I conquered the pasta! Is that all you got?"

  26. Alfredo is my favorite...I don't blame him one bit!!

  27. Too cute! Thanks for stoppig by my blog!

  28. Boy, he loved that! LOL Gotta love recipes that the kids love!! Care to share? ;)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  29. Looks like he really enjoyed his dinner!

    Thanks for visiting me via BATW :)

  30. Must have been a very yummy dinner! Look at him go!

  31. Yay for good eaters! My youngest is going through a picky phase right now - grrrr!

  32. How do you do it? I can't get my son to eat anything but fruit, bread, some veggies and on rare occasions chicken nuggets. DP

  33. The older one was just like that form 18 months until 3 1/2. Now he will eat more food. Protein foods that worked for Son1 were yogurt, cheese toast, cream cheese, and the all time winner: A DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER from McDonald's. I was desparate to get him to eat protein! We even went through a turkey dog phase. I figured out after awhile he hated breading, which counted out the chicken dinosaurs, fish sticks, and chicken nuggets. He got over his aversion to breading at about 3.

  34. Boy look at him put away that food, but really who doesn't like chicken Alfredo? Perish the thought ;).

  35. Love that smile!

    That must have been some yummy food :)


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