Wednesday, June 1, 2011

21 Days of Praying for Our Sons

 Have you ever wanted to start something, but you just didn't know how to begin? Have you ever wished for something, but it just seemed like wishful thinking?

That was me, almost seven years ago. I was a new mom, far from my family, with a new baby BOY. I knew nothing about mothering a boy, but I knew I wanted to do it right. I never had any brothers. I was completely clueless!! I wanted to try my best at whatever I was supposed to do with a boy. But what was I supposed to do with a boy?

I was blessed to take a course with a pastor and his wife at our church for new parents. I soaked up everything this seasoned mother said about parenting her sons. One of the things she said that stuck with me: Begin with the end in mind.

I know a little more now than I did almost seven years ago about boys. I am deeply honored that God has entrusted us with three sons. I see my tribe together, and I want "the end" to be three leaders, three warriors who will lead their families for Christ and stand up to be Real Men.

One day, they will not be guests at a wedding, dancing with me looking over the top of them. One day, my prayer is to be dancing the Mother of the Groom dance, looking up at them, remembering that I began with the end in mind. 

But even so, there are no guarantees. Already they have ideas about their futures. They have opinions and beliefs. And so, I must begin with the end in mind, and do the most impacting thing I can do. And that one thing is PRAY.

Alongside several hundred women, I will be joining Brooke from Warrior Prayers in a 21 day challenge of praying for our sons. I am leading one of the groups using her ebook, Warrior Prayers. If you would like to join me, please leave a comment below with your blog or Twitter handle. What does joining this group mean? It means you begin with the end in mind. It means you commit to praying for your sons daily, and sharing some of your journey with a beautiful community of women. Each group member will need a copy of Brooke's ebook. It is less than $6.00!!

I would love it if our group can check in on Twitter. I will be posting some about my prayer journey during the challenge here at thefarmerfiles blog, but mainly I would love to check in with everyone more regularly on Twitter.

If you are new to Twitter, or not on Twitter, that is okay. We will figure something out. The most important thing in this challenge, to me, is to commit my time. Some days parenting is really tough! What is most important (to me) is a group of like minded mothers who are committed to beginning with the end in mind, committed to creating a community amongst other mothers, and sharing their hearts for raising a generation of men who will be leaders and Christ followers. If you are unsure about joining this group, or unsure about how to pray please know two things. 1. Thefarmerfiles is a safe place to ask questions about prayer, about God, and anything else. 2. Still not sure? Invite other mothers of sons to join us! We are in this together.

***Other people are already signing up for our Twitter group through the Warrior Prayers blog


  1. What a great post! Did you really stay up that late? Great moms need sleep too. Miss you BBD

  2. Fine. I'm in. Book downloaded to Kindle. But only if you promise to read another book with me: Give Them Grace: Dazzling your kids with the love of Jesus. Am only into the intro and I am hooked. I'm Vitafamiliae, by the way. Nice to meet you. :-)

  3. Over here b/c of Lora Lynn. I'll join. Mom of three boys, 14, 13, and 10. Two teens and an upcoming tween--you better believe we ALL need prayer.

  4. I'm in. I'm also going to read the book LL recommended.

  5. I am so in. I came here via Vitafam. This is just what has been on my heart for the past couple of days.

  6. I'd love to be in but I don't know anything about Twitter and my blog has turned out to be a bust! Let me know if there's a way I can join otherwise :)

  7. I'm in! @mabeswife Yay, I was finally able to comment. My only concern is that I'm not sure how much progress I'll see in my 1-year-old, but I definitely need to be focusing my prayers on him.

  8. I will pray with you! Not sure about twitter... unless you are talking about the birds chirping outside my window at night. Do birds stay up all night? apparently. I'm in! Amy

  9. Found your blog via Vitafam, is there a way for those of us who don't blog/twitter to participate in the 21 days of prayer for sons??


  10. here from Vitafam. Would love to join you all in prayer.
    Blessings, Jen in al

  11. I love "Begin with the end in mind." I'm just starting out on my mothering journey with 2 little boys and another baby on the way - all under 3. What a great thing to remember. Thank you.

  12. I'm in! I am SweetCaroline87 on Twitter. I will buy the book sometime today. Thank you!! Gummy says hello! :) (for some reason, I am not able to log-in with my Google account this morning)

  13. Sweet Vitafam sent me over as well. I'm in. Now I've just got to figure out how to download and e-book.

    Twitter= brook_s_taylor

  14. OK, really, really, really needed to read this today!! Gosh, if I could keep that perspective throughout the day ... really looking forward to 21 Days 4 Sons ... I'm over at Momma Kristi's group this round. Hope your time is blessed, friend!

  15. I would love to participate too! What do I need to do to catch up?? @_NCF_ :)

  16. I'm in! @LeeBirdFree and my blog is

    I'm the mom of three sons, and my oldest is almost 17...not ready for him to be grown...lots of praying to do!


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know you did.