Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving: The Mommy Jitters

We have kept the whereabouts of our move this August a secret for a long, long time. We moved from San Diego this time last year. We left a home that we designed specifically for our family of five just 18 months before. My parents lived less than 3 miles away. My in-laws visited from Arizona every month. Our eldest walked to his school. And my kids, for the first time ever, lived less than 2,500 miles from family. And, we were living in my hometown, where I had not lived for 15 years.

The move to the Boston area has been a bit free-swinging. We have taken weekend roadtrips all over New England and other East Coast states. The boys have made prized friends, and Dr. Romance had an amazing time at Harvard. However, the boys have always known we would return to San Diego this summer. They have counted on it. We will be on the West Coast through the first week in August, true to our word.

Tonight, Dr. Romance flies home. He has been gone awhile. And tonight, we finally tell our children where that "somewhere else" will be after San Diego. They have known we most likely will not move back into our home in San Diego. They have known that we might have to move away again. My stomach is full of butterflies.

I am not so much concerned with how they will take the news that we will not move back to San Diego. I am more aware that our move will evacuate from my safe place of logistical planning, of making phone calls, of setting up appointments, and arranging dates. The whole concept of our move shifts from a checklist of adult To-Dos, to invading and intertwining into the mission of our family. It will now permeate every single person's thoughts and goals. We will speak of it every day until we get there. I know it.

This sharing of the news with the kids is a game changer.

But let me tell you this one thing.

I am super excited for this move. I think they will be, too.

Come back tomorrow, and I will tell you where on earth we are moving.


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog!
    Congrats on your new home!

  2. I'm so hyped, can't wait to hear!!!! I've been
    a lurker since Hawaii - so - I'm voting for
    Hawaii again.......Lord willing :)

  3. Oh come back tomorrow. Pics and video and all. ;)

  4. There's nothing like a good teaser! I can't wait to find out where you'll be next, so I'll see you tomorrow! (Oh, and we didn't make it to the grocery today, but I did have to make a late run to Walgreen's for milk!)

  5. Ruth 1:16-17 :)

  6. Like I said earlier, "You are such a tease!" Can't wait to hear.

  7. If I call today can I find out before your next blog posting? Pretty please with sugar on top!

  8. Oh boy! Talk about suspense! I can't wait to hear...


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