Friday, June 10, 2011


Today's topic: Backward


In two weeks our family of five is driving backward. We shove things as tight as we can, pack up all that will fit, and drive cross country from Boston to San Diego. We are backward of just one year, when we shoved and packed our lives and three little boys into two cars and a teeny 5x8 trailer.

Driving backward floods backward emotions. I toss out all the things I would not otherwise toss: refrigerator art, crafts, and toys. We pick up what matters. We pick up limbs, hearts, and our family bond. I can't toss those.

I pick up, I pack up. I can't toss what we gained this year. The tightness between my husband and me, our children learning that family stability is more important than our house in San Diego. More importantly, we grew this year in faith, in the ways we have trusted God about where we live, and how he provides.


Go ahead, you try. Here are the rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Get a little crazy with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.


  1. What a way to frame your experiences! And ironically, the backward story of another blogger, who is leaving Boston with her family now . . . Thank you for sharing! I wish you a smooth path in the days ahead:)

  2. So, back to warm winters and your lovely yard and pool! I wish you were moving here but we will have to visit you again in SD. Did I tell you that our next door neighbors and good friends moved to Carlsbad in April?

  3. @Renee...We are actually not moving to San Diego. More next week.

  4. we had similar posts, looking back just a year. thanks for stopping by and for sharing this slice of your life. i love "i pick up. i pack up."


  5. What a great perspective here! Another strong five minute post. :-)

  6. Oh wow, how lovely. I particularly loved how you described "We pick up what matters. We pick up limbs, hearts, and our family bond. I can't toss those."

    Seriously wonderfully phrased. Thank you so much for stopping by my site and saying hello. It allowed me the privilage of doing the same and seeing your wonderful take on this prompt.

    I've (praise God) always loved the times of adventure, and thoroughly enjoy travel. So it doesn't frighten me as it might someone who desires more structure in that sense. Yet you're right - it's always a step forward. It's always progression and growth, for we are at the following footseps - at the alter of our King. He brings such glory and light. No matter what direction our compass is facing (or however much it changes it's needles' point), we are heading in the direction of Him when we place our home in His love, our trust in His goodness.

    Thank you for helping me remember this.

  7. I love the line "I can't toss what we gained this year." Thanks for sharing this affirming, positive story -- and for visiting my blog!

  8. You put into words what "home" really means. Thank you for articulating that for me today...just lovely.

  9. I really like the way you showed us a lot of your journey in this post! I feel like your words leave a lasting imprint and I can picture these images in my mind. Thanks for sharing!:)

  10. Beautifully written! And I particularly love the name of your blog... I grew up an hour south of Boston (although now I'm a Carolina gal). Hope all goes smoothly with your transition back to the west coast!

  11. "We pick up limbs, hearts, and our family bond. I can't toss those." ...those are things we hold dear for all of our years and moments.

    Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know you did.