Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Respect Award

A bothered Son1, an indifferent Son2, and a proud mommy
Hubby took the day off work. We packed our video camera, our SLR camera (we only lug it around for special occasions), and staked out our seats among other parents. Son1 was receiving an award at the Character Counts assembly for Respect. We shot a lot of video and less photos because the kids sang in Hawaiian and the music was led by a ukulele. The recipients entered last, and proceeded forth across the front of the assembly. A punch and cookie reception followed. But we never made it.
I found Son1 after the assembly. He took one look at me and scowled. I had never seen him give anyone stink eye, let alone his own mother. (Stink eye is a local way of saying give a dirty look.) I reached for his hand, and no response. We approached Hubby and Son2, and he wailed. Whatever was the matter with him? I suggested we make our way to the punch and cookie reception, and the tears fell. "Please don't take me away from my friends! I want to go back to my class!" I patiently explained that it was his special day for pictures, cookies, and punch. I coaxed him toward the reception, near the doors that led to his classroom. Reluctantly, he walked with us, until we passed the doors to the classroom corridor. More tears. More wailing. More protesting. We skipped the cookies, punch, and other pictures. All of the tears disappeared the minute we walked into class, and he ran toward his classmates, and they squeezed and hugged him. He was back! Sigh...I never realized how much his friends meant to him, too.


  1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me! Sorry couldn't get that catchy tune out of my head after seeing the title of your blog!

  2. It's a special moment when we get to learn something new about our own children. We may think we know everything about them but not really.

    And we use the phrase "stink eye" around here too. I'm not sure where we picked it up.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Our Romero clan lives mostly in Orange County.. which is near San Diego...My husband's grandfather is Bill Romero...ring any bells?

    Love that you are in Hawaii..

    My son too is getting really into his friends. I am glad he has them, but it's a bit sad not being the center of his world!

  4. OOO how cute! SO very very cute!


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