Saturday, June 21, 2008

No Exit Over the Pacific

I can't believe I forgot the Ben*dryl when I remembered everything else. And I do mean every-thing! My diaper back pack barely zipped close, I loaded Son1's back pack pretty heavily, and the stroller had stuff shoved here and there. But I would have traded most of it in for 1.5 teaspoons of Ben*dryl. The California coast is 2500 miles from Hawaii, with No Exit over the Pacific Ocean! Hubby shook his head. He thought I brought waaaay too much stuff, until less than sixty minutes passed. It is amazingly hard to make noise when someone is a willing eater. Son2 went through a couple packages of dried apples.

My kids love frosted shredded wheat, dry. Can you imagine what happened when Son2 sneezed? Shredded snot all over Hubby and me! It was ugly. "EEEEWW!" we both groaned loudly. No more shredded wheat! Hubby did not even hesitate and bought a $10 sandwich from the cart, and a $3 quarter pound cookie. At least they couldn't be shredded. The kids shared the sandwich, but the cookie went almost entirely to Son2. WOW.

Son2 loves people. He waved and pronounced HI! HI! Many people sitting near us were either honeymooners or retirees. They did not necessarily find this fascinating. Trying to confine our little extrovert, our mobile little extrovert as a lap child, was strenuous. The more we held him, the more he protested. Consequently, we walked the plane aisles relentlessly with him. One of us sat with the Son1 and his DVD player, and the other would walk. Except Son2 doesn't walk independently, so I held his teeny little fingers in my hands, above his head. Down the aisles we went. HI! HI! Sometimes he slipped his fingers from my grasp too quickly. He reached for sleeping feet hanging out of chairs, other people's drinks, and laptops. But he was content walking.

Son1 was pretty good with his DVD player. But every opportunity he had to potty on the plane was a treat. Just as soon as he was able, he popped up with, "I HAVE TO GO!" It was less than a handful of times, but each time we waited in line we were sweating bullets, praying for the line to move faster.

We finally touched down at 11pm in Los Angeles, and scrambled off the plane. Hubby snagged a southwestern chicken salad from a vendor for the two of us. We caught the shuttle bus to our hotel, and that's when their fits of giggles started.
We put the kids down in the bedroom at 1230am. They had no intention of sleeping. Giggle, giggle, giggle. They were wide awake. Hubby and I devoured our salad praying they would sleep. No such luck. Giggle, giggle, giggle. Finally, an hour later, quiet fell over the room, and the day was officially over.


  1. O the BEN*Dryl! We have to have it with at all times! I get these ones for my purse now that are already measured and so EASY to carry! They are pre-measured 1 teaspoons....check them out!

    HOPE you guys are having tons O SUMMER FUN!

  2. Reading about the end-of-day giggle fit made me smile. When we were on a family vacation, my sister and I usually ended the day with giggles. They usually started because we were just tooo tired to sleep and EVERYTHING was funny! Usually, though, the giggles wore us out just enough to drift off.

  3. I know maybe not when you are right in the middle of it, but very cute little guy :) What a great little trait to be outgoing! So great that they are such good buds, good job Mommy and Daddy. How long are you in the states?

  4. Oh the joys of travelling with small children. I'm impressed that you did so well!

  5. We once used the "magic ben*dryl but it made our little guy super hyper and strung out!! It was the LLLOOONNNGGGESSSSTTTT flight ever!!

    Great pictures!
    Have a wonderful time!! DP

  6. HI just stopped by to Stalk YOU....I know you are having a GREAT GREAT time!!!!!!!

  7. So I can't remember how I found your site, but I'm so glad I did. You are just adorable (as are your children). It's such a real site. Plus, my sister is stationed in Hawaii so I like to get perspectives of her life in various ways.

    PS your Son2 has a head-full of hair! too cute. I have a little guy with hair, it's just too blonde to notice. (sorry about the post on the comment thing)


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