Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Itsy Bitsy Monkey

Sung everywhere and anywhere in the Farmer household lately, at all hours of the day and night, from a whisper to a shout:

The itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the coconut tree,
Down came a coconut and bumped him on the knee!
Out came his mommy and dried up all his tears,
And the itsy bitsy monkey went up the coconut tree AGAIN!


  1. I love it, only in Hawaii would you get to hear that version of the famous classic! I'll have to try teaching it to Zach later this week... he loves all things monkey related these days, so I'm sure he will enjoy this version just as much as the original :).

  2. Now I will be humming this all

  3. I love your version! We stick to the classic spider version. The baby thinks it's hilarious.

    We'll have to try your version.

  4. Your version is so cute!

    I just stopped by to thank you for stoppping by my blog during Works for Me Wednesday this week. I hope your oldest son enjoys his nature journal. We are still having fun with ours.

    I enjoyed reading your "About Me" It sounds like you are a great mommy and I was excited to see you love Jesus, too.

    : ) Becky

  5. Totally not a Farmer original. He came home with the song from preschool!


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know you did.