Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sampling Sweet Potatoes

With our first child I was all into making my own baby food. I bought into the myth of the perfect suburban mommy. Yeah, I skipped all the granola mom reasons of making baby food to avoid nitrates in jarred food and all. The price difference isn't quite a big motivator for me to make the food, either. The difference in price of homemade food and jarred food isn't really something that will break your budget for the beauty of convenience, either. When we moved into a hotel for 2 months I felt liberated by organic jarred food. Jarred food required no preparation. The "organic" part eased my doubts that I wasn't doing what was best for my baby by making my own food.

The second time around I assumed I would head right for the jar aisle of baby food. And then Hubby asked me a few times before Son2 started solids if I wasn't going to just make baby food again. He likes the idea of fresh food. He immensely dislikes canned vegetables anyway. Yeah, I am making baby food now. This time, I am motivated by just a twinge of mommy manipulation. If Son1 sees his baby brother eating vegetables that mommy prepares then he just might be a little less reluctant to eat his veggies.

Come on, you know you want some of these yummy sweet potatoes!

Open wide!

1 comment:

  1. The first picture doesn't look like he wants any type of sweet potatoe. Personally, I only eat them with a truck load of butter and sugar, grandma boni style!


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