Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween in Hawaii

I am still recovering from a Hawaiian Halloween. It's just not your standard trick or treating here. Nooo. The night before Halloween I was making goody bags for Son1's classmates. Goody bags are a cultural tradition for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and the end of the school year in Hawaii. You have to make one for every single kid in the class. See my bags? They had SIX pieces of good candy in each goody bag.
And this was the loot that came home just from his classmates, before we started trick or treating.I tried to talk Son1 out of this costume. It is hard enough to trick or treat with TWO feet in the dark, let alone six. But thanks to a birthday gift card from Grandma T., he won.
What would a cowboy be without his cow? People in Hawaii are extremely generous and do not give out much cheap candy! People either gave treat bags or really great candy! We treated just our street without a stroller for Son2. We rounded our culdesac and jumped in the car, and headed straight for a church Trunk or Treat. Right at the trunk of a car I found myself a Beth look-a-like. You know, Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife?!? So Hawaii!
Finally, we headed back to our neighborhood and hit up a few more streets with the neighbors. It was so late we put the kids to bed, and sorted out the loot ourselves. We received quite a bit of play dough in our stash. When it was all said and done, we sorted the candy into six gallon sized ziplock bags. Whew! I am going to miss this!!


  1. I love learning all of the traditons! What fun!

  2. Yum. Think I will move to Hawaii. That is a LOT of loot!!

  3. Their costumes are so cute!!

    We always go to our church's Harvest Festival as well. They're always so fun!!

  4. I am having a fit over those costumes! Best ever!

  5. I'm loving the cow with his cowboy! You can see how much Son 1 LOVED his costume. I don't think I've ever seen a happier child :)

  6. Wow, that's A LOT of candy! I love the Beth costume - my husband really likes watching that show!

  7. Great costumes! I love goodie bags! I have a lot of printed cello bags and I do goodie bags for Christmas and Easter for my friends and family.

  8. Oh it's fun to read this and look at those photos. I so agree with with on how you describe Halloween on Hawaii. So much aloha, ya? :)

  9. Their costumes are adorable. Looks like they had a fun Halloween.

    I haven't thought about a "Beth" costume. I'm in no way built like her. It would take a lot of stuffing you know where. But that costume is funny. I'll have to keep that in mind in the future for a couples costume party. Maybe my husband could be Dog.


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