Friday, October 3, 2008

Aloha Friday #2

Fridays are the days we take it easy in Hawaii. We call it Aloha Friday, much like what folks on the mainland call TGIF. I post a question, and y'all comment. That's it, unless you want to ask your own question at An Island Life. My question is:

Where will you find your pumpkin(s) this year?


  1. At our local deep discount store or whereever it's cheapest! lol.

    When my kids were little we pumpkin picked. Now they're teenagers and they don't care about all that.

  2. Last year we bought our pumpkin at a patch that they had at an apple orchard. I am honestly not sure if we will be buying one this year. Hubby is going to a wedding for a few days before and on Halloween. It just won't be the same without him. Perhaps my parents will buy one and carve it with our boys.

    Have a nice weekend :)

  3. I won't! Since my kids are grown and long gone and I don't teach anymore and we live in a retirement area with no kids, we don't do Halloween anymore. Sad.

    Last year my daughter who lives in SD took her kids to the Pumpkin Patch where they got their pumpkins. This is the same patch that was destroyed by fire later in the day from the awful fires last fall.

  4. Walmart. But I "might" take the girls to a pumpkin patch, if we get the chance.

  5. I think I will try to get Little B. to a pumpkin patch to pick his own. Now that he is old enough to understand, I think he would enjoy it.

  6. We live in "farm country" and there is a cute pumpkin patch within walking distance from our house. We get to pick and cut our own pumpkins right off the vine. The kids love it!

  7. They're everywhere here - a roadside stand!

  8. Right out of my garden baby! They are small field pumpkins but they will do the job! Happy Aloha Friday!

  9. HMMMM probably Kroger or Publix and IF I have to Walmart....there are a few places that set up to sell pumpkins....PUMPKIN STANDS but they are SO expensive.

  10. I haven't decided - maybe the same farm where we picked apples earlier last month. Or we might buy fake pumpkins to keep.

  11. We're still finding out info but think there is a farm that is near us that will host a pumpkin patch sort of thing, or we'll drive about an hour. We're excited about it!

  12. We'll get our pumpkins this year from the apple orchard.

    Happy Friday!

  13. At a store...there is a farm where we can pick them but I've never been there...

  14. We have a pumpkin patch about two miles from our house. K is 18 and doesn't care where the pumpkin comes from as long as we have one, "because we always have one". A is only 7 and she loves to go to the pumpkin patch. We spend the day doing all the activities and they have a petting zoo ( Love your blog.

  15. we will most likely buy them at the grocery store, but we will go to the local pumkin patch to play, they set up rides, and jump houses. But the pumpkins are so expensive

  16. I'll 'find' mine at my grandchildren's house, and they will have picked them at a local farm. Do pumpkin patches abound it Hawaii?

  17. I actually already have some! But we will take a trip to a farmstand soon to get some nice BIG ones for carving!

  18. I was going to buy a pumpkin yesterday for David, but then I thought, it's hot in Valencia and if I set it outside it will go bad and I can't set it inside because of my open house/selling my house situtation, so no pumpkin this year :(

  19. We usually get ours from the farm across the road from Mel's parents' place, but we're not going to PA this year. So we'll go to the Methodist church's pumpkin patch down the street.

  20. I always loved going to Robinette's. But now that I am in Australia...there won't be any pumpkins this year.

  21. You know.. I don't think I have ever bought a pumpkin before lol Since we might be doing our Christmas decor this weekend.. if I go buy a pumpkin I think my kids are going to be the most confused kids in the country hahaah

  22. Well seeing that Zach's class has an upcoming field trip planned for Cox Farm the day before our MOPS group is heading over there - I'm gonna go with Cox Farm.

    I know this may upset some "purists" out there but Michael's also has fake pumpkins that you can carve that look like the real deal, only minus all the goop and mess. I 'm thinking that we may try that next year!

  23. Safeway Supermarket :(

    I wish we can go on a farm.. but I don't think we can...

  24. I get mine at Walmart and then a couple at the Pumpkin Farm in our town.

  25. Now have y'all wondered if we have a pumpkin patch in Hawaii since we dont' have a real four seasons kind of Fall? Well we DO. And I am going to post about it soon!

  26. I love the thought of going to a pumpkin patch to choose a pumpkin but it's not a tradition here.

  27. I am hoping to find a pumpkin patch nearby that we can take the boys to, we've never done that before :).

  28. The local pumpkin patch. Yipee! I love October and Halloween.

  29. apparently there is a farm/petting zoo around here that has a pumpkin patch. There is a preschool playdate next week at that place so I guess I will be checking it out...have to go out of my comfort zone and start meeting some moms!

  30. hi I chanced upon your blog and WOW u r from Hawaii! We love the place and would love to visit again.
    I guess there will be no pumpkins this year cos the french don't celebrate halloween.

  31. hi,
    aloha! thanks for dropping by my blog to answer your question from my blog,
    We are only going to be in france for a year as my husband was posted here for his work. He is with the air force and before this we were living in Phoenix for 2 years. We are more or less like his 'luggage' that he carries where ever he goes :) We will be back in sunny singapore next year June.

  32. i don't get pumpkins these days, but if i needed one, i could get it at costco!

    thanks for the visit and comment today via BATW!! :D

  33. We may just get ours from the local grocery store. Hubby may even get extra after Halloween - just so he can roast the seeds. There is a local pumpkin farm that he used to work at part time. That was fun to visit!

  34. We are going to an old fashion pumpkin patch where we will let Son1 run wild and pick out his very own pumpkin. I can't wait! We have been reading books about pumpkin picking so he is all set! DP

  35. At a local farm, if the price is right. We will take the kids this weekend.


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