Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hawaiian Sea Turtle

Wordless Wednesday: Hawaiian Sea Turtle beached on the North Shore of Oahu this weekend.

For more Wordless Wednesday participants go here.


  1. Oh I hope he got back to the water!

  2. Poor Guy! I've gotta say though..What an amazing shot!

  3. I swear, you have got the BEST pics on your site! Awesome turtle!

  4. so amazing...and it makes me want to come and see ur little place even more. wow...that just doesn't happen in the midwest...we have corn, basically.

  5. Ohhhhh- what a sweet, beautiful turtle. It did make it back in the water, right? {{hoping}}

    Happy WW!

  6. Beautiful angle on that shot. Is he alive?

  7. Oh I LOVE sea turtles!! What a terrific shot!

  8. What an incredible picture. When you say beached, does that mean he had no ability to get back to the ocean? Poor thing.

    You asked about my photo, and you're totally right about the location! We were on a school field trip to a Balboa Park museum, and I took those pics before we met up with his class. Good eye!

  9. That looks like a Loggerhead Turtle but I don't know if they have those in the Pacific or not. I soooo hope that the guy/girl was ok. Do you have a Sea Turtle Rescue place there? Our wildlife hospital here has three tanks and we have had quite a few as patients over the years.

  10. Super picture, he looks pooped! We love the north shore of Oahu!

  11. Wow, that's awesome! We lived in Hawaii (Oahu) 7 years ago and we never saw a turtle like that!! Thanks for commenting on my blog! It's always a treat to see that someone left one! God bless you! Alicia

  12. Was it able to get back in??? Beautiful creature!

  13. Tater Tot loves turtles, so I can't wait to show this to him! I hope the turtle is okay!

  14. Like the others, I sure hope s/he's okay. Send him to Sanibel and Snowbird will get him fixed right up!

  15. Poor turtle! Love the pic! He looks HUGE!

    By the way, I've got an award for you! Come see it here.

  16. looks washed up to me, there are no track marks & her eyes don't look so good. I hope I'm wrong & she was just coming ashore to lay eggs. As a child in Northern Australia we watched the turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, slow but amazing!

  17. What a great picture. We were Maui in April and got to swim with the sea turtles. It was really fun. We didn't see any on land, though.

  18. Wow, he looks big! Hope he's ok.

  19. Swimming with the turtles was one of our most memorable moments from our trip to Oahu. It was so cool to be that close to a large sea creature.

  20. In all my years here, I still have not seen a honu on the beach. Maybe one day.


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