Friday, October 31, 2008

Aloha Friday #6

Fridays are the days we take it easy in Hawaii. We call it Aloha Friday, much like what folks on the mainland call TGIF. I post a question, and you comment. That's it, unless you want to ask your own question at An Island Life.

My question is:
Are you more afraid of the dental hygienist or the dentist? Who spooks you more?
I have a dental appointment on Halloween afternoon. I am definitely more spooked by the hygienist because I don't like to be scraped and scolded!
FYI...want something from Hawaii? Enter my giveaways here and here.


  1. Dentist, definitely, he's the one with the drill! :D

  2. Yup, the hygenist, they do the most work in your month for check ups and mine is brutal!!!!!
    Stop by my Aloha Friday for a Halloween question, no candy needed!

  3. Honestly? Neither. I guess we have a really nice dental practice. ;)

  4. I am not "afraid" of either. Of course my mouth is usually sore after the hygenist is done and I am always scared of needing a filling. I cried for days when I had my first cavity just before I was 30. I cringe at the thought of another one.

  5. The hygentist. She really know how to poke with the sharp tools. lol.

    Happy Aloha friday!

  6. Good question! However, we love our dentist and hygenist! The staff there are wonderful, and they are very GENTLE! LOL

  7. Our hygenist! I swear to God she's gonna scrape every inch of enamel off my teeth. She scares me.

  8. ok, so the dentist does the smallest amount of the work, so i'm going with the hygienist! alhtough at this point, i think i'm most scared of the bill!

  9. The hygenist b/c the dentist have more training, so they are more skillful and less likely to polk you

  10. The hygentist doesn't bother me but the Dentist always ticks me off just because their is always something else that needs to be done in my mouth.

  11. Neither actually--I love going to the dentist and both the dentist and hygenist are awesome!

  12. Neither. Both are prone to inflict pain, but they are just doing their job. At some point, a trip to the dentist will hurt; just a fact of life.

  13. Dentist.... just thinking about him makes me want to run and hide under my bed!

  14. The dentist!! He tell you all the good or BAD news!

  15. the dentist ... he's the one who extracts the tooth!

  16. The Dentist! The hygienist is a breeze...the dentist is the one who REALLY hurts. I can't STAND that guy! :)

    Thanks for the visit to my blog. Hope to see you around more often.

  17. Hygenist! I sooo don't like the poking and scraping!!! Had a terrible experience the time before last! It hurts just thinking about it :)

  18. I'm with you on the dental hygienist. At my dental office, I had a gal just beat the stuffings out of me. I never had been beaten up by a little redhead before. While in the midst of torturing me, she was telling me what a loser ex-boyfriend she had.

    I used a different hygienist from that time on.

  19. Happy Halloween!! I want to see pics of the kids!! Hope you have a great afternoon! DP

  20. I don't know lol they are both scary.. I will say I think getting your teeth cleaned is worse then getting a filling lol Thats just me LOL

  21. I LOVE the dentist... lol.. I know I'm weird, but I have always loved going to the dentist.. hehehe... so, my answer would be neither..

  22. I don't like either!! I think probably the hygenist as they always yell at you for not flossing!! lol

  23. Even though I love the folks at my dentist's office, I'd prefer to go twice every NEVER! :) I cringe just thinking about the sounds and smells of a dentist's office. Bleh!

    Happy weekend!

  24. Neither of them ever freaked me out... except if I have a cavity. Then the dentist. I recently found out I need a wisdom tooth removed as it has a cavity in it. I wanted to cry (found out while still pregnant... greatest fears are surgery, birthing, and needles... yeah... lots to deal with in my mind in a month). I haven't booked my appointment yet... oops.

    Personally, I like the cleaning! It feels so good afterward!

  25. DENTIST!
    I love my hygenist. I love the feel of my teeth after a good cleaning. I love to brush my teeth for the same reason.

  26. To be honest with you, both scare the s**t out of me:)

    Gave a shout out to you and your great blog here:
    Have a great weekend.

  27. I think neither. Somehow I enjoy sitting on a dentist chair and have my teeth thoroughly checked and cleaned, even if it means going thru with a bit of pain :)

    lots of goodies giveaway on your site!

  28. I'm afraid of the dentist. Just the smell of the dentist clinic gives me goosebumps.

  29. I LOVE the dentist and/or hygenist, I always have. I've never had a cavity, maybe that's why. My mom always said going to the dentist makes her feel like she "took the sweaters off her teeth" I feel the same way!

  30. I know this is gonna sound cheesy but I love both my hygenist and the dentist - so no fear on my end.

    If I had to go to a new dentist tomorrow however, I would probably be most nervous with the dental hygenist for all the reasons previously stated including yours!


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