Monday, October 27, 2008

Pineapple Corer

There is more than one way to skin a pineapple. I already showed you how to cut a pineapple into chunks. Now it's time to core a pineapple into rings! (Well, Hubby is going to demonstrate because I am a wimp when it comes to the pineapple corer.)

Cut an inch off the top of the pineapple.Then plunge the corer into the center of the fruit, and twist, twist, twist until the corer hits the bottom of the fruit.Pull the corer straight out of the fruit. The pineapple will sit on the corer in rings, just like inferior canned pineapple. Forget canned. Get the fresh stuff! It is so worth it!
The downside to using the corer is that you will get less edible fruit than by cutting the pineapple into chunks.
The core is left inside the hard shell of the pineapple. The core can be cut into little swizzle sticks for tropical drinks.Once the core is removed, the shell could make a bowl for fruit, a drink container, or even a dip container.

So what do you prefer? Pineapple chunks or pineapple rings?


  1. I NEED this. I hate skinning the pineapple. I use your fail proof method of cutting, but I am no good at getting all the skin off. It usually involves blood.

  2. So that's how it's done. I always wondered.

  3. oh, chunks by far...I have more ways to use them!

  4. I like chunks better, but I'll eat pineapple just about any way it's served!

    Oh, and about our whereabouts on Oahu, I have no idea where we were. I'll have to ask my husband if he remembers. You'd think I'd never forget, wouldn't you?! :)

  5. We just cut up a fresh pineapple for my sons birthday party. I love the fresh stuff!
    We cut it into chuncks but that corer looks pretty handy.

  6. wow that's amazing ,so impressive and charming i like it and wondered

  7. wow, I never knew such a tool existed. I have found a new way to eat pineapple this summer. We chilled it and then ate peanut butter and pineapple sandwhiches. Sounded yuck, but they were good.

  8. Ooh cute, I need one too! Love the ideas for the core and the shell! I have to say chunks too!

  9. I just love pineapple, I don't care how it's cut. :-)

  10. I prefer chunks... personally... more fruit from the fruit! :)


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