Thursday, September 4, 2008

All Pau Shopping

I dropped off an underwater camera at Costco one hour photo. Could the pictures be ready early? I needed to pick Son1 up from Awana Cubbies. The lady told me to swing by when I was "pau" (pronounced pow) shopping. I smiled as I walked away. When we leave the island, I will miss Hawaiian slang.

Pau means all done. When your child finishes ask, "All pau?" A waiter or waitress might ask the same thing of an adult before clearing plates. And after shots, the nurse says, "All pau!"

And when the work day is done, you're "pau hana."

And this post, well it's ALL PAU!


  1. Like we're all pau having children. ;) You're too cute!

  2. That is cute!
    I had to comment on Awana Cubbies... I used to go as a child (all the way through the Awana program in high school). I loved it! I hope you can find another in the area you are moving to. I'm sure son1 would love that.

  3. Kinda like I'm totally pau for the day. Nobody is aloud to ask for anything until tomorrow b/c mama is spent ;). I'm pau and not just pau, but pau pau.

  4. WE are PAU in Savannah right NOW! LOL LOVE LOVE that word!!!!


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