Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fine, It is Rainy Season!!

I was in denial the rainy season has arrived in Hawaii, until my walk on Monday. For more WW participants, go here.


  1. That's hysterical! But what a comment on our modern world.

  2. Oh No! But you've found a new use for your hairdryer! Hope it worked!

  3. Hope your phone still works! I have done that before. I started running, and when I started it was sunny, then out of not where it started hailing!! My phone was soaked. I was glad it worked to call a ride though!

  4. Y'all, it worked! I had my doubts after my screen turned black and rotated itself, and all of the snap, crackle, pops, but blow drying worked!!!!!

  5. I've had that happen before!! Thanks for your comment. A friend of ours set the trap. Then he took him up in the mountains and let him go up there. This is the third racoon we caught! I definatly don't want to keep him!

  6. Wow, good to know the blow dryer has a possible shot, if that ever happens to me!

  7. Oh no! Becareful, you don't want to short out the buttons. My cell has been broken since July. (from baby slobber)

    BEAUTIFUL blog header! Can I come visit Hawaii??

  8. Hilarious photo! Good illustration!

  9. Wow, I should have tried that when that happened to mine! Love it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. hey there! i just read your comment about our AWANA post. i'm still trying to figure out how to use the new blogger. i am the awana secretary this year although i am not super organized! eric is the director for TNT Boys. we help each other out with our duties! we figured since we have three in the program we should help! it's a great way to spend our time.

  11. LOL LOL I am speechless because it was toooo funny!!!!

  12. Ugh...friends, it started to downpour like a torrential rain. Remember, I live in the tropics. REALLY in the tropics, as in a rain forest. I zipped my phone into the handlebar pouch of my B.O.B. that is supposed to me made of water proof material. I didn't realize the water had started to pool in the few seconds before I zipped it closed and my phone sat in a little teeny puddle. I pushed my phone to the bottom, thinking it wouldn't get the water coming through the top, if any should get through the material. I was soaked, the baby was soaked, even with the ginourmous shade of the stroller, made of the crazy thick water proof material. We were at least nearly a mile from my house. I got home and my cell was crackling. The screen rotated itself. It was bad. Anywho.....after blow drying it and leaving the battery our for hours, it works! I still have a year on my contract and I didn't want to get a new phone yet. Man, I am eyeing the G1, though!!!!

  13. laughing, with you....not at you~i once dropped my cell ina public restroom toilet....that was gross!

  14. Hahaha! Oh no!

    Hey, when is Hawaii's rainy season? South Florida's rainy season is officially June through November.

  15. OOO I stalked back over and just read your comment....and I am still laughing...with YOU!

  16. About the rainy season in Hawaii...Rainy season in HI is Nov to March...but we ease into it slowly when it is no longer dry all of the time, with torrential down pours that become more common. The stronger wet season accounts for the change in weather patterns and perfect surf competition conditions. The change in weather causes 15 to 30 foot waves. This is why our North Shore is home to the biggest surf competitions in the world!!!

  17. LOL, that picture cracks me up! Glad to hear your phone survived the rain :)


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