Friday, January 11, 2008

Dump Truck Delight

I had just put Son2 down for a nap, and was closing the door to his room, when I noticed the garbage truck sounded louder than usual. Uh oh. The front door was just ajar. I ran downstairs and saw Son1 on our front lanai (Hawaiian word for covered patio). He was watching the truck outside from just outside the front door, in what little he could. Literally. Check out his digs. He wasn't quite dressed, yet. Once he saw me, though, he ran to our front rock wall and took a front seat. Our garbage truck is mechanical, meaning we don't have the guys that hang off the back of the truck and run and grab the trash cans, and dump it in the truck. Nooo. Our trucks have these special fork fingers. The driver just pushes a button, the mechanical fork fingers grab the can, lift it about 20 feet in the air, and dump it in the garbage truck. This is fascinating to kids all over our neighborhoods. The excitement ended with a vigourous wave and shouts of goodbye.


  1. Too cute!! J. loves garbage trucks as well. The one out here has three men that hang off the side so that makes for an even bigger show. I think they must think I am a stalker because every Tuesday morning J and I are watching them do their thing. :)

  2. O you must have your camera ready all the time to get great pics like this!!!

    We have the arm garbage truck here and every Tuesday my sons are at the front window in Awe of it. It is just too funny!!!! As soon as the truck leaves we have to go and they help me pull the cans around is our thing!!!


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