Monday, January 21, 2008

Just the Two of Us

Son2 and I spent alone time together this week, and it was precious. Son1 is back in preschool, happy to be with his friends, and we are settling into our routine again. We take Son1 to preschool, and then spend the day together. It was a sweet week. I watched him graduate from Army crawling to crawling up on all fours. I watched Son2 stand for the first time on Tuesday, and tears came to my eyes. I love this job! This week at Costco, the cashier smiled at Son2, looked at me, and said, "He looks a little like a Mexican baby, doesn't he?" I looked back at her with a smile and said, "Well, I am full Mexican." That's my other ethnicity, when people don't assume I am local in Hawaii! Aaahh, we are a rare breed here in Hawaii!


  1. A Mexican baby- what WILL people say?! A lady who works at Macys said to me yesterday how BIG I look for my due date! Ha!
    I love your little "Mexican" baby.

  2. Hey I was asked if I adopted my kids...she said they looked exoctic asian like. I said no I birthed them but that my husband was Korean. Then she mixed race babies are so beautiful. I will never ever forget that as long as I lol

  3. That Mr. Farmer or Dr. Farmer as he shall soon be called is most definitely a keeper!

  4. Yeah...the comment about the baby..I wasn't sure how to take it, and since she was smiling, I just smiled back at her. I wasn't offended, but just a little unprepared. People really feel free to make some off the wall comments.


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