Monday, January 21, 2008

Bloggers With Integrity

I received my first blog award from MommaSong! She writes:

"One of my new favorite blogs is I love this blog! It is always such a happy blog and so positive! I discovered this blog because we were paired up for a Christmas Ornament Exchange and now I check it everyday!"

I am so honored she chose me as one of the five recipients! I write to all of you from my heart about things that truly matter to me, and to the three other Farmers on this farm. Living far from family and some of my dearest friends is a challenge, but I purpose to chronicle our daily joys.

Now I have to award five more bloggers with this award. If you don't get an award it does not mean I think you lack integrity!

In no particular order:

Buffy is a new blogger, and I hope this award encourages her to blog often. Her blog and Christmas letter absolutely moved my soul because of her and her husband's courage to share their son's journey with Fragile X Syndrome. Plus she will stand in the rain with me in front of the White House, well, just to prove a point, and no, it wasn't political.
LL just tells you the way it is, without blinking, about raising, loving, and teaching four kids born in less than three years. My favorite thing is that she esteems her husband often and publicly. I wish more wives would. Plus, she inspired me to blog!
Rachel has made me love her more and more when she shares where she has been in her spiritual journey, and where she is going. She has witnessed a lot of my own growth, too. Besides, how could she not get this award when she has been so honest about her emotions, hormones, pregnancy, and love for Target????
Michelle is as honest as they come about having a son. I giggle when I read because I am 10 months ahead in the journey with a son. Plus she tells the world about how much she loves her marathon running husband. Check our her belly pic! I never looked that cute in my third trimester! She has been such a prayer warrior for me over the last several years. She is true to her word when she says she will pray for you!
Amy has made me laugh so hard I have wanted to cry (have you seen God sunburn, OT humor) and just brought me to tears with her honesty about moving and family, because I am too familiar with the feelings. She tells how she loves her husband and loves that her sons love him, too! She is full of words of encouragement, so you know she speaks my love language!

Now go forth and award five blogs, each!

Ok, and an honorable mention is my sister. She is a baby blogger, and her integrity has stopped me in my tracks. But her integrity is so much more about her courage over the last several months than about her blog. And I love her for that!


  1. As an amateur blogette, I am honored and humbled by this award. I can only thank all of you for the inspiration! One of my favorite things about "The Farmer Files" is when the author would tell these same stories in person - she would always ask - would you like the short version or the long version? In the blog world you really don't have a choice - so it's the shong (short+long) version with tons of awesome visuals...and I love every juicy minute of it! Big hugs friend...thank you!

  2. Shong ...that is now forever part of my vocab!!

  3. Is it true what they all say, “it's an honor just to be nominated” or is it more delicious to win the actual award ;)?

  4. love the new look, R! Very cool!

  5. I love the new look too! Wasn't that show Lost filmed on your island?

  6. LOST has always been filmed in its entirety on Oahu, where we live. The season premier is almost here in a couple of weeks! We are FANS! Remember that time we were at the UCLA basketball game, the three of us when...hmmm, we learned the true meaning of the word FAN?!?!?!?

  7. OOO the new look it!

  8. Glad the response is positive on "the look." Another great idea by Hubby.

  9. You'll have to explain the "FAN" thing to me b/c I don't remember any UCLA basketball game incident

  10. Get more sleep...yes you do, I am a REAL FAN and I am going to stand...skinny man.

  11. Hey R - I've been trying to figure out how to put the award on my blog and pass it on...can't seem to do it. Help!!!

  12. Hey R-
    I sent you and everyone else an email.
    The Other R!

  13. Thanks! you are so sweet and encouraging, I really appreciate it!


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