Monday, February 4, 2008

February Santa

I have a little confession to make. I am way behind on packing up Christmas. Today we put the last of the Christmas stuff in the attic. We just got so busy we fell behind. Now it just wasn't the decorations. Sigh....I fell behind on the pictures, too. December really seemed so long that I kept putting off taking Son2's picture in his Santa suit. He had two back to back ear infections in December, and took ten days of antibiotics each time. He was practically medicated the whole month, and I figured I would just wait for some great pictures when he felt better. So December turned into January, and January just picked up speed. The next thing you know it was February 1. Yes, I am completely embarrassed about this! I pulled out the little red Santa suit and said TODAY February 1 is the Santa photo shoot.
Now if I had taken these pictures in December, then I sure wouldn't have gotten these pictures:
Standing Santa


  1. Well your not alone. Mom and Dad are still working on putting christmas away as well. They have christmas gathered in the middle of their living room in boxes, but have not yet moved the boxes into the garage, so you have these boxes with christmas stuff sticking out of them mixed together with these two huge Valentine's day dogs with sparkly green eyes that Carmelita gave mom to help her move into the February festivities.

  2. Hey I didn't take down the tree and put all our Christmas stuff away until the middle of January, just another benefit of having a fake tree ;)! Even then Zach kept telling me how sad he was that Christmas was over. If it were up to him we'd leave that tree up all year round - he's still talking about Halloween for goodness sake. Besides a February Santa is much more interesting than a December Santa!

  3. Too cute!! What a big boy you have on your hands! I love the Santa suit! Sorry about last night hubbie and I ended up watching some ancient submarine movie and I fell asleep. TTYSoon DP

  4. OK these pictures are so stinking CUTE. He needs to be on a cover of a magazine!


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